SHGs empowered across 34 villages
Villages in 18 Districts
2 Million Beneficiaries so far in all projects
Welcome to Marathwada Gramin Vikas Sanstha (MGVS)
Who We Are?
Marathwada Gramin Vikas Sanstha (MGVS) is a Non-Governmental Organization registered under the public trust, society registration Act. It is also registered under FCRA Act, 12A, 80G and CSR-1, MGVS works in 18 districts of Aurangabad, Pune, and Nashik divisions of Maharashtra State since 1995-96 for the downtrodden and affected areas.
Why Rural and urban slum Areas?
Even though India has developed in many sectors the fruits of the development are limited to a few people in the country. The people of rural and urban slum areas where nearly 70% of the population lives are yet far away from the real fruits of the development. In rural areas it is very difficult to many families to even survive for a single day without any external help. MGVS has identified the extreme need of the rural area and therefore we have been serving the needy people for last 27 years
Advancing Tobacco Control Project
MGVS initiated The Tobacco Control in 2018 and is now on a mission mode with several partners
Childline‐1098 Project
MGVS, is dedicated to ensuring the care and protection of children in need across Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India
Community Health Monitoring
MGVS works with 11 PHCs that cater to 55 villages to build their capacities on Community Action for Health (CAH)
Seasonal Migrant Workers Nutrition
MGVS aims to strengthen nutrition & health for 14500 migrant workers, women children & families in targeted villages
Care & Support for HIV +Ve children
MGVS provides a home-based care program for 855 vulnerable children; including travel expenses, nutrition, and education
The Momentum Routine Immunization Transformation & Equity (MRITE) initiative, is MGVS’s strategic response to COVID‐19
Prevention & Control of STD & HIV/AIDS
MGVS works with Female Sex Workers, vulnerable, bridge, PLHIV populations to prevent (STIs) & HIV
Toilet Construction
Under the Water Conservation & Sanitation project, a Toilet facility has been provided to 4500 rural poor households by MGVS
Water Conservation Project
The IWDP, project by MGVS, works in 27 villages and is aimed at strengthening drinking water sources, in water-stressed regions.
WATER Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH)
MGVS works with 8 government schools to increase access to safe drinking water and engage the participation of children
Awards & Certifications
MGVS Awards & Certifications
In recognition of its innovative water conservation and agricultural practices, MGVS was awarded...
Awarded by the Health Department of Govt. of Maharashtra (Best NGO Award 2011)
Marathwada Gramin Vikas Sanstha (MGVS) is Awarded by the Health Department of Govt. of...
Listed by Give India & Guide Star India, “SAMMAAN”, and Help your NGO
Marathwada Gramin Vikas Sanstha (MGVS) is Listed by Give India & Guide Star...
Accredited by Credibility Alliance under Desirable Norms
Marathwada Gramin Vikas Sanstha (MGVS) is Accredited by the Credibility Alliance under Desirable...
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